The Knowledge of Investment for a Good Financial and Retired Employees of NIPA – School of Administration Jakarta

To increase the knowledge of NIPA – School of Administration Students about investment, it held The Knowledge of Investment for a Good Financial with resource persons Hendra Pamungkas Market Development Indonesia Stock Exchange and Budi Rimpan Fund Service Mirae Asset Sekuritas, attended by NIPA – School of Administration Jakarta Employees and Students, in the Multipurpose Room of NIPA – School of Administration Jakarta on Friday, July 7, 2023. By investing in Mirae Asset Sekuritas, we can start preparing for future needs by utilizing the funds we have today. 

Knowledge activities are coupled with potluck filled with retirement activities of NIPA – School of Administration  Jakarta employees who are retiring, namely Mr. Parsono and Mrs. Siti Fatonah who have served in National Institute of public Administration (LAN) for 40 and 37 years, and the last service period at NIPA – School of Administration Jakarta. Director of NIPA – School of Administration Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Nurliah Nurdin, M.A., in her speech expressed that her gratitude for the dedication and responsibility that has been given to this campus, and hoped to remain healthy in spirit and continue community service in accordance with ability.

Potluck activities of campus are activities that are routinely carried out every month, an event to strengthen friendship and brotherhood between employees which is usually filled with friendship activities, knowledge sharing and other activities to increase the insight of NIPA – School of Administration Jakarta employees.

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