NIPA School of Administration Jakarta has a formulated and agreed-upon Vision by all academic communities, stated as follows:


This vision statement refers to the vision of the National Administration Institute as stated in the NIPA School of Administration Jakarta.


The mission of STIA LAN Jakarta Polytechnic is as follows:

  1. Organizing education and teaching in the field of applied administration with international competitiveness with superior quality to increase the capacity of government and development administrators;
  2. organizing research and development of quality innovations in the field of applied administration on a regional and international scale to support the effectiveness of governance and development;
  3. organizing regional and international community service (PkM) to increase the capacity of governance and development; and
  4. organizing institutional governance that is effective, efficient, rational, accountable, transparent and equitable to support the achievement of the vision of STIA LAN Jakarta Polytechnic.


As an elaboration or application of the mission statement above, Politeknik STIA LAN Jakarta sets the following strategic objectives:

  • T1 : Realizing education and teaching in the field of applied administration with international competitiveness with superior quality to increase the capacity of government and development administrators.
  • T2 : Realizing research and development of quality innovations in the field of applied administration on a regional and international scale to support the effectiveness of governance and development.
  • T3 : Realizing regional and international Community Service (PkM) to increase the capacity of governance and development.
  • T4 : Realizing institutional governance that is effective, efficient, rational, accountable, transparent and fair to support the achievement of the vision of the STIA LAN Jakarta Polytechnic.

Quality Policy

NIPA School of Administration Jakarta is committed to being an institution of higher education in the field of administration to produce graduates (state administrators) who are professional and integrated through accountable and transparent institutional management and academic processes based on excellent standards. The institution aims to continuously improve its quality.

Wisuda 2024

Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2024
segera daftarkan diri anda,
kuota terbatas !

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